Clarendon Township
Calhoun County Michigan

See the information below concerning taxes, elections, ordinances, meetings, and permit applications.
Taxpayer Information
Please see the information listed below to assist you in paying your taxes.
Taxes are payable to the local unit (city/township). the set due date, additional interest and fees apply.
Pay by mail to:
Clarendon Township
Rosemary Berry
PO Box 274
Tekonsha, MI 49092
See message to taxpayer on your tax bill for alternative ways to pay.
Policy for Taxpayer Access to Assessor's Office
The Township and its employees are here to serve the Public and be as transparent as possible. The Assessors office is accessible to any taxpayer that needs information concerning their assessment. The following are ways to contact the Assessor or his/her Deputy.
1. Taxpayer inquiries regarding assessing questions, assessment changes, exemption determinations, or to talk to the Assessor prior to March Board of Review may contact the following:
Clarendon Township's Assessor: Robyn Kulikowski
Deputy Assessor: Daniel Slone
To contact the Assessor's office by phone: (269)-967-4977
To contact the Assessor's Office by email:
2. The Assessor will attempt to answer your request immediately but it can take up to 7 days.
3. If you need to meet in person: you can email or call the Assessor's office. In person Appointments
are usually made on Mondays.
4. If you need to inspect a physical record card or copy physical information from the Township Record file:
Please call the office, or email the Assessor about the specific request. You will get a response as quickly as possible. You will be able to physically inspect or copy information within 7 days of the request.
5. If you would like an informal meeting with the Assessor to resolve an issue prior to the March Board of
Review: Please call the office for an appointment, or email that request.
i. Taxpayers can meet with the Assessor at any time all year long to discuss their assessment.
ii. Once notices are mailed, you have a limited time window, you should call as soon as you
receive the notice in order to get your issue resolved prior to the March Board of Review.

The community of Clarendon Township has many resources for its members to ensure that their voting process is simple and efficient. From registration, to voting locations, to absentee ballots, we are here to assist you in every way we can and are happy to answer any questions that may arise. Please contact us for more information.

Take advantage of your right to vote!
Thank you for participating in the 2024 elections!